Human health is an important fundamental component of all his life. The success of the device, both professional and personal, directly depends on the state of the body. Health is a qualitative characteristic, consisting of a whole set of determining factors: physical, psychological, biological, and others. After all, only an absolutely healthy person is capable of full-fledged social adaptation and a normal communication process. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not an advertising slogan, but a well-founded argument, inseparably linked with the quality of life of an individual. Only by adhering to a certain order of nutrition, sleep, rest and physical activity, a person is able to maximize his full potential in social, labor, family, creative and other activities.
Today, the issue of maintaining health is more relevant than ever. This is primarily due to the unfavorable environmental, technogenic, psychological and social situation that directly affects the functioning of the human body. Therefore, it is logical to take all appropriate measures to prevent and prevent various diseases in a timely manner, guided by special knowledge. However, in this matter, one should always remember the main rule of medicine “Do no harm!” and carefully approach the selection of information in accordance with the specifics of the issue. Only competent specialists can give the most detailed answers on any topic of health care. Therefore, only verified data should be used each time.The Medical Card portal was created specifically for people looking for comprehensive information about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, symptoms of various diseases, medicines, psychology, beauty, fitness, face and body care, and more. The information base of the site contains a fairly large amount of diverse material that can satisfy any visitor's request about methods for determining diseases, treating and improving the whole organism. In addition, the "Medical Card" also has special information aimed at a wide female audience. Definitions of pregnancy, symptoms and features of its course, the correct diet of the expectant mother, the impact of physical activity and the psycho-emotional atmosphere on a woman and her child; childbirth, the essence of the process and everything connected with them; raising a child, caring for him and his development? You can find out about all this and much more only on this site. In addition, here every pregnant woman, even at the earliest stage, will be able to calculate the estimated date of her own birth as accurately as possible using a special pregnancy calculator.
"Medical card"? This is a desktop medical manual for various occasions, written by reputable experts in the field of practical medicine, psychology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology. The site contains articles from such popular publications as: the magazine "Mom and Baby" -, the magazine "9 months", the magazines "Mom, it's Me!", "Waiting for a baby" - Thematic articles are aimed at the average reader, so the language of presentation is simple and understandable for everyone.Moreover, adherents of alternative medicine and methods of its treatment will also be able to easily find on this portal a lot of useful information about various plants, their medicinal properties, indications for use, and, in fact, the healing recipes themselves. "Medical Card" follows all the news in the field of health care, proper and wholesome nutrition, cosmetology, dietetics, pharmacological innovations, etc. This information site is designed specifically for those readers who really care about their own health. "Medical card"? a real family doctor for every family!
All information provided is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, first aid or formal first aid training. Do not use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or illness without consulting a qualified physician. If you are in a life-threatening or medical emergency, contact your doctor immediately.